b'editors noteCatering MagazineOn a 60 E. Rio Salado Parkway,Suite 900Tempe, AZ85281PHONE:480.883.7519EMAIL:
[email protected] Note INTERNET:cateringmagazine.comPublisher Klaas De WaalL ets face it, the news can be far from
[email protected] days. So take a break from distressingAssociate Publisher Antoinette De Waalheadlines and dive into this issue of
[email protected], where we focus on three lighter topicsbrunch, cocktails and the holidays.Editor Sara Perez WebberThe word brunch conjures up images of
[email protected] and happy times with friends. On p. 32,Salescontributing writer Connie Jeske Crane presents ideas Suzanne Bernhardt, Advertising Sales Managerfor serving up this perennially popular
[email protected] opportunity to market drop-off brunch menus forAdministrationthe holidays. Youll also find a few recipe ideas here and on p. 54. Barbara M. Ragsdale, Administration ManagerWhile the holiday season is sure to look different this year, friends,
[email protected] and coworkers will still find ways to celebrate. Our feature onCirculation Cherri Jonte, Subscription Administratorp. 24 profiles four bar caterers, who explain how theyve
[email protected] businesses in the post-COVID worldwith one offering virtual team-building cocktail partiesand share their favorite holidayFood Editorial Deanne Moskowitzcocktails. We also suggest products and drinks to elevate your
[email protected] offerings. CreativeTo get you in the festive spirit, we profile a stunning winter Randi Karabin, Art and Production Directorwonderland-themed holiday party held last December (p. 16);
[email protected] a few products you could use at your own holiday events, noWebsitematter the size (p. 10). Ken Norberg, WebmasterYoull also find helpful expert advice in this issue. On p. 42,
[email protected], The Catering Coach, explains why now is the time to reset PUBLISHED BYyour business and boost your profits post-COVID-19. Its also an idealINTERNATIONAL MEDIA GROUP, INC.time to organize your business finances; Gerri Detweiler, financialHeadquarters:60 E. Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 900expert, gives tips on how to do it on p. 22. Of course, safety practicesTempe, AZ 85281 USAare top of mind for everyone. On p. 18, Melissa Johnson detailsPhone: +1.480.883.7519what theyve implemented at Cameron Mitchell Premier Events andKlaas De Waal, Chief Executive Officerpredicts which ones are here to stay. Antoinette De Waal, Vice-PresidentCATERING MAGAZINEStay safe, is published 6 times per year Copyright, International Media Group, Inc.2020. All rights reserved.SUBSCRIPTIONS:USA Subscription price: $75.00Sara Perez Webber, Editor Other countries: $125.00 (Includes Air Mail Postage)20% Agency discounts
[email protected] Single print or E-copy: $8.00Publisher cannot be held liable for non-delivery due to circumstances beyond its control. No refunds. The publisher is not responsible for the return of unsolicited material. All editorial samples, slides, artwork, etc., which are to be returned, must be accompanied with a self-addressed stamped envelope when submitted. International Media Group, Inc. is not responsible for any material that has been sent to its office after one year.No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.POSTMASTER: send all address changes to International Media Group, Inc. /Catering MagazineLIKE US ON FACEBOOK.COM/CATERINGMAGAZINE 60 E. Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 900Tempe, AZ 85281 USA6 CATERING MAGAZINE cateringmagazine.com'