b'newsproductspeopleeventsextrasMEIKO MarksARA 10th AnniversaryLaunches of the M-iQ Flight- Training Program Type Dishwasher to Help Keep Guests and Employees SafeM EIKO is celebrating a decade of success for the M-iQ, itsThe American Rental Association (ARA) best-selling flight-type dishwasher. The M-iQ has beenlaunched the Clean. Safe. Essential training available to U.S. customers since 2010.certificate program for party and event rental MEIKO points out four M-iQ product innovations that make itscompanies. The online training program for dishwashing process unique and result in significant savings in water,ARA members is designed to help keep the energy and operating costs: & Hospitality Show, sponsored by the California Restaurantrental experience safe during and after the Intelligent air management system that retains heated air and Association, is scheduled for Aug. 22-24, 2021, at the Anaheim redirects it within the machine to lower energy costs COVID-19 pandemic. The modules cover such Convention Center (the 2020 show was canceled due to COVID-Specially designed self-cleaning filters that actually wash thetopics as supplies needed, preparations to 19). The next Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show, sponsored by water and remove soils at various stages to create the highest puritymake, safety considerations and a cleanliness the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, is scheduled for of wash water. This reduces detergent consumption by up to half.Sept. 19-20, 2021, at the Orange County Convention Center inchecklist. For more information, visit Computer-designed wash arms and dynamics for exacting Orlando (the 2020 show was canceled due to COVID-19). Forararental.org.coverage of wares that reduces water use more information, visit foodandbevshows.com. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESSThrough Take-Out Packaging!NEVER WASTE an opportunity to promote your business, your specials, your take-out menus, etc.Foodservice To Go is your one-stop shop for CUSTOMIZED TAKE-OUT
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